How to bid on This Auction! - Integrity Auctioneers

How to bid on This Auction!

Lot Number:2
Start Time:2/22/2025 5:00:00 PM
Bid Count:0
Current High Bidder:
Starting Bid:$25.00
Bid Increment:$25.00
Current Bid:$25.00

Read this and bid on the 2nd lot with no charge! Read the terms and conditions! 

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No donations for this lot

Guns & Ammo - Live & Online Auction

Seller: Don "Donny" Brown 

Date: Saturday February 22, 11AM

Location: Integrity Auctioneers, 1613 Elm Ave, Harvey, ND

Description: Here is a small group of nice guns. There will also be a selection of ammo and other related items. This will be a short auction so please be on time or bid online. a 10% buyers premium will be in effect for all winning online bids. FFL transfers will be handled by Lemer's Ace of Harvey. Gun Laws will be followed. This auction is being conducted by ZBS Auctioneers with online bidding powered by Integrity Auctioneers. Online bidding will open one week prior to the auction. 

  • SAVAGE MOD 93R17 0213260
  • S&W MP 15 22 CAL DEZ9316
  • KEL TEC G17 22 SUB 2OOO FFDR56
  • ANDERSON AM15 MULTI, CAL. 18246578
  • CHARTER ARI/S 41 MAG PUG 1804539
  • RUGER 45 BLACKHAWK 3885762 (TWO CyL)
  • USFA ZIP 22 LR MF661

Please call Auctioneers Gil Steedsman 701-400-8193 or Ben Stiegelmeier 605-850-1330 with any questions. Grace Steedsman will Clerk. 

Cash, good check or credit card are options for payment. Everything sells as is where is. Statements made on auction day take precidence over printed and digital materials. All Sales are final. 

View Pictures and Bid at New online bidders please register at least one day prior to the auction. 



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Terms & Conditions Updated 2025.01.27

1613 Elm Ave
Harvey, North Dakota 58341
United States